National Pensioners Convention Wales
Confensiwn Pensiynwyr Cenedlaethol Cymru
Welcome to NPC Wales' website.
The National Pensioners Convention (NPC) Wales is an organisation which comprises of delegates from affiliated organisations. The membership is made up of pensioner groups, retired associations of trade unions and charities related to older people.
The objective of NPC Wales is to promote and campaign for the National Pensioners Convention’s policies in Wales as a non-party political campaigning organisation that seeks to improve the living standards and welfare of all pensioners.
To find out more about our work have a look at our Dragonspeech newsletters.
Older people's organisations or individuals can join or affiliate to NPC Wales. To find out more about our membership and how to affiliate, contact us in one of the ways shown below:
By post Ground Floor
Mariners House
Trident Court
East Moors Road
Cardiff CF24 5TD
By phone 07944 996965
By email (general enquiries) (membership information
You can also keep in touch with NPC Wales on our Facebook page.
Our NPC Wales Officers:
Chair Bryan Godsell UNITE RM
Vice Chair Gareth Parsons PCS ARMS
Secretary Louisa St Bartholomew-
Brown Morgan Equity, PCS ARMS and UNITE RM
Treasurer Melvena Richards UNISON
Our NPC Wales Executive Committee
Jeff Burn UNITE RM)
Dereck Roberts UNITE RM)
Jeff Richards CWU)
Sue Watkins PCSARMS
Fran Griffiths UNITE RM
Christine Newton NEU
Organisations represented by delegates to the Full Council include:
Cardiff 50+ Forum
Civil Service Pensioners Alliance
Cwmbran 50+ Forum
Communication Workers Union (CWU) Mid Wales
Communication Workers Union (CWU) South Wales Branch
Communication Workers Union (CWU) Wales Region
Equity Union
Gwent Retired Firefighters Association
National Education Union (NEU)
National Union of Journalists (NUJ)
Pontypool Senior Active Support
Unison Cardiff and Vale Retired Members Group Healthcare
Unite Retired Members Cardiff Branch